The Rife Digital Professional has transformed the lives of more than 20 thousand people across the planet using the built in Dr Rife Treatment Protocol

Rife digital machine

The Rife Digital Professional V3

This Professional Rife Machine V3 produces multiple frequency bandwidths, 20 Default Program Groups, Super Sweep, Convergence Sweep and Exceeds all expectations in power output and amperage for the healing processes of the most serious diseases.

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Brand New Innovation

Introducing Rife Machine V3
Healing Efficiency Through Technology

Brand New Innovation

Introducing Rife Machine V3
Healing Efficiency Through Technology

Brand New Modules

Built in Groups, Variable Voltage
Multiple Language Menus

Brand New Modules

Built in Groups, Variable Voltage
Multiple Language Menus

Instant Payment Method

30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee
Replacement Warranty

Instant Payment Method

30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee
Replacement Warranty

Instructional VIDEOS !







Rife Machine

  • User Friendly

    Simple to Use Rife Machine, Huge Screen, Easy to Use Menus

  • Plug And Play

    Comfortable Straps, Dual Ports for treatment of 2 people at the same time, optional Rife Healing Mats, optional Healing Belts for Head or Neck

  • Sensitivity Select

    Voltage Menu sets voltage in 3 stages, Easily select a voltage according to your sensitivity

  • Multi Language Menu

    Three Built in Languages, Built in Groups are activated with a single button, or program your own frequencies from the ETDFL Frequency book

Rife Professional V3 + Mat


Rife Professional V3 + Belt


Alice Liu

Re: Rife Digital Professional V3, I just wanted to give a testimonial on the rife digital machine. I had come back from holidays a few days ago. Upon returning, I noticed a sore throat, with very noticeably swollen tonsils. Using just one session of this It dissipated quickly, no painful swallowing, tonsils shrunken back to normal size within a few hours. I am very impressed with the machine itself! Am glad I bought this!

Augustin Vásquez

I hope that Dr. Rife is able to witness the miracle of his discovery in the healing of my daughter from his place of honor in the world above. I am extremely grateful for your assistance, and that Rife Digital has made the effort to sustain the Rife technology in order to make these machines available.

Pippa Duffy

The Rife Digital Professional V3 machine is working well and we are thrilled with it and will recommend it to others. Initially we thought it was going to be complicated and time-consuming because of changing the program for different members of the family. But my 9 year old Grandson got the hang of it very quickly and programmed his own treatment for Dermatitis. Thanks

Theodore Brennan

We ordered the Rife Digital Professional V3 and I have used it to treat severe T-2,3,4,5 and 6 spondylitis… .so much swelling and pain and even felt the pressure up into my head..I was most days unable to function. I started the Rife Digital Professional treatments and in less than 3 months I’m walking up and down 100 ft high hill to feed the animals on our mountain 31 acre farm, chopping and spitting fire wood.. The swelling and inflammation are under control.

Teresa Cumbers

I Have had my husband on the Rife Digital Professional everyday for three months, alternating from HIV then HepC. On completion of the three months he had his monthly HIV blood test. We also asked for a liver function test as well. His liver function is back to normal and his CD4 count has gone from 207 to 417 this is a great improvement.

Bernard O’Sullivan

My mother was recently treated for gastric cancer and the chemotherapy seems to be causing her more pain and suffering than the cancer itself. We purchased the Rife Professional V3 machine so that treatment for her and our loving pet (dog) who has cancer, could be done in the comfort of our home. I wish you and your company, your family, and friends well; and, again please know you are our Angel! Bernard

Gabe Chan

Hi Dr Williams, I never thought this was possible (as I thought that rife was only for bacteria and viruses), but I used the back pain frequency for one whole night (7 hrs) and after only my left lower back had pain. After another night (not running any script), most of the pain was gone! All I can say is wow! Please let others know because back pain is such a serious pain and can be long term. Kind regards Gabe

Eric Pearce

Regarding The Rife Professional V3 Treatment: My present thought is that I must have been doing something right to stabilize the PSA. As I have reduced the Rife Machine treatment frequency after 3 months treatment I would like to have your valued advice as to when I should continue with the rife machine and what programs would best suit my condition?. I would be looking to have a further PSA reading in about 3 months time.

Joe Rapisarda

I’ve been using the Rife Digital Professional V3, I bought through you for 7 1/2 weeks now. I am using it on my dog Carlos who has a Malignant Tumor the size of a golf ball growing on the outside of his nose. The first few weeks we saw no effect, then after about a month we noticed the tumor reduced about 50% in size. The ball shaped tumor was curving in to become concave. This was a great sign of progress. I will buy the Mat now for the Bed Lining, and hook this up for the overnight treatments. Thanks

Andrew Coles

I was diagnosed 35 years ago as being allergic to dust and feathers. I had been sanding the wings of a sailplane for refurbishment, and have inhaled polyester gel coat particles. Using the Rife Professional for two full cycle treatments for asthma, I am breathing normally again! I am continuing further with the sessions to make sure the Asthma cause (probably a virus to which I am sensitive) has been killed.

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